The Independent Pharmacy

This well-known ED tablet, Viagra (Sildenafil), comes in a recognisable blue pill form. It assists men in achieving and maintaining erections during arousal by relaxing vessels and muscles leading to the penis. This enables increased blood flow to fill and harden things when excitement strikes.

The NHS estimates around 50% of British men aged 40-70 wrestle with erectile issues that disrupt enjoyment of intimacy. Thankfully, Viagra can aid immensely by boosting blood circulation to the genital region as needed.

The onset of effects typically occurs within 30 minutes to an hour after ingesting the tablet on an empty stomach. The therapeutic span then lasts approximately 4 hours on average. During this key timeframe, male users should find sensitivity and firmness of intimate anatomy improve when enticed.

In essence, Viagra works by enabling more rapid blood flow to fill erectile tissue below the belt when turned on. The outcome is facilitated rigidity and endurance for relations once hindered for couples. Bringing awkward questions to one’s doctor can unlock solutions where hindrances once existed. As they say, today’s cures arise from yesterday’s uncomfortable conversations.

In this guide, we’ll cover all you need to know about how Viagra works and what it does.

Viagra Tablets (25mg, 50mg & 100mg)
Viagra Tablets (25mg, 50mg & 100mg)
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Key Findings:

  • Viagra enables erections by relaxing smooth muscles and dilating blood vessels to increase blood flow to the erectile tissues when sexually stimulated, treating erectile dysfunction.
  • The time period for onset of effects is usually 30-60 minutes on an empty stomach; the duration of action lasts around 4 hours. Unwanted side effects like headaches and flushing are typically mild and dissipate.
  • Viagra improves erectile capacity by making it easier to get and maintain harder, longer-lasting erections firm enough for penetrative intercourse through orgasm and ejaculation.
  • Exploring custom erectile dysfunction solutions tailored to your medical history and symptoms can lead to effective treatment for erectile dysfunction.

How Does Viagra Work?

Viagra helps by loosening the muscles and making the blood vessels in the penis bigger, which lets more blood flow into it. This effect lasts for up to 4 hours when a man feels sexually excited.

Here is the step-by-step process of what happens inside the body when a man takes Viagra:

  1. When a man becomes sexually excited, the brain sends signals to produce nitric oxide into the soft tissues of the penis. This starts muscle relaxation.
  2. Nitric oxide widens blood vessels so more blood can surge with force into the penis.
  3. Viagra slows down an enzyme (PDE5) that usually controls blood flow, allowing more blood to enter the penis.
  4. With PDE5 blocked, blood can flow strongly to the penile shaft and tip, filling the soft tissues.
  5. The penis gets larger and firmer as it fills with more blood.
  6. Viagra enables getting and maintaining an erection more easily during sexual activity.

So in simple terms, Viagra enables an erection by relaxing blood vessels in the penis. This allows extra blood to flow in when a man is sexually excited. The extra blood is what stiffens the penis for penetrative sex.

What Does Viagra Do?

Viagra improves blood flow to the penis, so getting and keeping an erection is easier during sexual activity. In other terms, Viagra treats erectile dysfunction (ED).

Specifically, Viagra:

  • Relaxes smooth muscle tissues in the penis, allowing blood vessels to open up
  • Increases blood flow to the penile shaft and tip, filling spaces in the soft tissues
  • Causes the penis to become erect, firm, and enlarged when a man is aroused
  • Allows erections to last long enough for sexual intercourse to occur
  • Helps maintain the penis in an erect state for about 4 hours

While Viagra improves physical ability, it does not directly increase sexual desire or sensations. The drug enables erections primarily through its effects on muscles and blood flow.

However, by treating ED, Viagra can improve confidence, relieve anxiety related to sexual performance, and help restore intimacy between partners. In this way, Viagra also benefits mental health and relationships.

Immediate Effects of Taking Viagra

When a man takes Viagra on an empty stomach, effects can start in as little as 30 minutes. With a high-fat meal beforehand, it may take 1 hour to feel any effects.

What Happens When You Take Viagra?

Soon after taking a Viagra pill, men may experience:

  • Warmth or redness in the face, neck, chest or other areas
  • A stuffy, swollen or runny nose
  • Headaches
  • Upset stomach
  • Muscle pain
  • Nausea
  • Flushing

These common side effects go away within a few hours. More serious safety issues are rare if dosage guidelines are followed.

Viagra’s Influence on Sexual Experience

During peak activity, Viagra allows blood vessels and smooth muscles to relax so that the penis stiffens when aroused. For many men, this improves their ability to:

In addressing ED, Viagra not only assists physically but also supports emotional well-being. It can boost confidence, ease anxieties related to sexual performance, and play a significant role in rekindling intimacy and connection between partners. Remember, sexual health is a vital part of overall emotional and relational health. This leads to:

  • Greater enjoyment and desire for sex
  • Improved sexual satisfaction
  • More confidence and virility
  • Increased intimacy between partners

Viagra’s Impact on the Body

What Does Viagra Do to Your Body?

Viagra mainly works by relaxing muscles and enlarging blood vessels in the penis, not by affecting other parts of the body. During the 4-hour period of time Viagra is active, it:

  • Makes blood vessels wider so more blood can flow into the penis
  • May cause temporary vision abnormalities like blurred vision
  • Can briefly cause headaches, dizziness or stomach upset
  • Can make your heart beat faster and lower your blood pressure by opening up blood vessels

These effects on vision, digestion, and blood pressure dissipate after Viagra finishes being active in the circulatory system. Using Viagra does not seem to trigger any lasting damage or consequences in the body.

Physical and Emotional Feelings

In addition to the physical effects on the penis and circulatory system when taking Viagra, there can also be emotional responses, including:

  • A mix of excitement and apprehension shortly after taking it
  • More confidence, virility, and enjoyment when erections occur
  • Relief, joy, and reduced anxiety when sexual activity is pleasing
  • Improved mood, outlook, and relationship satisfaction

By positively impacting psychology and emotions around sex, Viagra can benefit men’s overall well-being and relationships.

Viagra and Sexual Performance

Does Viagra Make You Last Longer?

Viagra does not directly extend the length of sexual activity, as its main effect is to enable erections that are firm enough for sex. However, by treating erectile dysfunction (ED), Viagra allows intercourse to occur in men who may not otherwise be able to participate without treatment.

Without relief from symptoms of erectile dysfunction, some men cannot get an erection reliable enough for penetration. By improving blood flow to stiffen the penis, Viagra enables sexual activity to happen in the first place - lasting longer than no sex at all!

Enhancing Sexual Capabilities

While Viagra may not technically make sex itself longer, it can dramatically enhance sexual abilities, including:

  • Getting firm erections faster when aroused
  • Achieving harder, fuller erections that last
  • Maintaining erections long enough for satisfying sex
  • Recovering sooner for another erection after ejaculating

So Viagra certainly enhances erections and makes intercourse possible again. This restores a man’s capacity to enjoy sex and please his partner.

In closing, think of Viagra as helping enable sex rather than prolonging it. By treating ED, Viagra gives men reliable erections so they can fully participate in and enjoy sexual activity once more.

Optimising Viagra’s Effectiveness

Best Practices for Viagra Use

To get the most out of Viagra, it’s best to:

Following dosage guidelines and your doctor’s advice can ensure safety and ideal results.

When to Seek a Healthcare Provider

In most cases, Viagra is safe when taken as instructed. But in rare instances, it’s important to seek emergency care if you experience:

  • Sudden vision loss in one or both eyes - sudden difficulty seeing could signal permanent damage
  • An erection lasting over 4 hours - this painful condition called priapism requires immediate treatment
  • Chest pain, dizziness or shortness of breath after taking Viagra - you may require urgent medical help

Schedule a visit to a medical professional if you have:

  • Hearing issues, ringing in the ears or loss of hearing - Viagra may impact hearing in susceptible individuals
  • Painful, prolonged erections regularly - changes in dosage or erectile dysfunction medication may be required

Speaking to your health care professional promptly when you experience severe side effects or adverse effects that don’t resolve within a few hours promotes safety. Serious medical attention is vital in select cases.

Take the Next Step With The Independent Pharmacy

We understand that reaching out for help with sensitive health issues like erectile dysfunction (ED) can feel daunting. Please know that it’s a courageous and positive step towards improving your quality of life. The Independent Pharmacy offers a discreet, supportive, and understanding environment to discuss your needs and find solutions that work for you.

The Independent Pharmacy offers confidential ED assessments and check-ups directly through their site. By answering key questions about your symptoms of weak erections and medical history, we provide customised treatment suggestions matching your situation.

After you finish the free online consultation, our medical team will thoroughly analyse your answers. We then prescribe appropriate ED drugs or therapies tailored to you. All recommended options are clinically proven treatments for enabling stronger, longer-lasting erections. Clear usage instructions for safe, effective relief are included.

Getting evaluated digitally and securing discreet support for boosting sexual health through The Independent Pharmacy’s caring model can make confronting intimacy struggles much less daunting. Connect today to review science-backed solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions About Viagra

Does Viagra keep you hard after coming?

No, Viagra will not keep you firm or erect after ejaculation happens. The effects enabling blood flow for an erection do eventually wear off. Viagra aids with getting an erection but does not shorten the recovery time needed naturally before getting aroused again.

Do you just get hard with Viagra?

No, Viagra will not instantly cause an automatic erection without stimulation. For Viagra to work, you still need sexual excitement and arousal. Viagra simply makes it easier to get and keep an erection when you become aroused. Without foreplay or stimulation, erections will not just happen from taking Viagra alone.

Can you take 2 Viagra pills at once?

No, it is extremely unsafe to exceed the recommended single dose. Taking more than one Viagra pill together increases the risk of potential side effects like irregular heartbeat, nausea and headaches. Overdosing can require emergency medical care. Follow your doctor’s exact prescription instructions for safe and effective use.

What happens if you take Viagra and fall asleep?

It’s best to avoid ingesting Viagra if you expect to lose consciousness or sleep for over 4 hours soon after taking it. In rare cases, some effects like rapid heartbeat may continue even while asleep. More critically, achieving an erection lasting over 4 hours can become extremely painful and require urgent medical attention to treat. For optimal safety and erectile dysfunction symptom relief, only take Viagra when fully alert and ready for sexual activity shortly thereafter. Immediately contact a healthcare professional if you experience any severe or prolonged side effects.


Erectile dysfunction - Illnesses & conditions | NHS inform

About sildenafil (Viagra) - NHS (

Side effects of sildenafil - NHS (

Self-Esteem, Confidence, and Relationships in Men Treated with Sildenafil Citrate for Erectile Dysfunction - PMC (

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